Lower School students are buzzing with excitement for our upcoming author visit with Jeff Mack. Jeff Mack is an author and illustrator of extraordinary picture books and a middle grade chapter book series called Clueless McGee.
First Graders laughed their heads off at Jeff Mack’s picture book story called The Things I Can Do. We read the funny story together and had in-depth discussions about all of the different materials used to create the collage illustrations. The kids were fascinated to see notebook paper, stickers, popsicle sticks, crayon drawings, duct tape, sticky notes, pencil drawings, and torn paper decorating each page. They needed to touch the pages to believe that the book was made up of photographs of the collage pieces. Of the main character’s crayon drawn face, students asked “Did Jeff Mack have a kid draw pictures for him?” Students were advised to save that question for the author and illustrator himself when he visits our school at the end of the month.
Students were thrilled to make their own collage pictures, sharing what they can do.
First graders are talented.
I can fly. (This one reminds me of The Little Prince.)
As you can see, kids can do a lot of things. And the things they can do make me smile.
We just wrapped up a visit from Jeff Mack. You will love him. He is charming and authentically engaged with students. Enjoy. I would highly recommend him.
Great to hear. We can’t wait for his visit!