Publishing Your Distance Learning Experience

Distance Learning Search Results at Medium.Com

School Library Journal: Mental Health and Distance Learning

NAIS Tips for Setting Up Distance Learning

AASL SmartBrief March 17, 2020

Edutopia Distance Learning

Content, content, content.

As we embark on Distance Learning, Remote Learning, At-Home Learning, school librarians stand poised to support students, parents, faculty, administration, and additional learning community members in this massive undertaking. Most of us are in traditional day or boarding settings where the routine largely involves socially interacting on a schedule, operating together in the comforting physical environment of a school and learning both using digital tools and physical ones in the classroom and library.

Fast forward to right now: all of us are either already or about to embark on distance learning. Every one of us — no matter where we are on the remote services contiuum — is having to practice and learn new technology skills in order to serve our learning communities. We are supporting our faculties, we are loading resources, we are obtaining free content and deploying it to relevant audiences, we are curating our collections! We are doing what we do best, but with truly brand new flair.

This means content. You are working widely and diligently on what you love — and there is an audience for your experience and expertise.

Consider keeping a journal, watch how you post to social media, categorize how you find your skillsets largely utilized during this time. There is valuable material in there which could find its way onto a public platform!

Submissions instructions for a few publications that may have a home for this kind of work:


AASL Knowledge Quest


School Library Journal

We Are Teachers

Book Links

School LIbrary Connection

Your AISL Publication Group is here to support your publication goals! We are happy to sound-board your ideas, review a draft, or assist with finding a great home for your writing.

The Publication Group

Debbie Abilock:

Tasha Bergson-Michelson:

Christina Karvounis:

Sara Kelley-Mudie:

Cathy Leverkus:

Alyssa Mandel:

Nora Murphy:

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