My family considers August as the start of the new year, and it has been this way for as long as I remember. My mother was a school librarian, I am a school librarian, and my husband is a high school teacher, so new beginnings happen in August. And I’m looking forward to this year. From new school supplies for both me and my children, to new programming ideas (school wide Shakespeare Festival, anyone?), to a new attitude as I walk into the building….I’m ready. I’m not really one for resolutions – they feel like too much pressure to maintain –but I’ve decided to set some goals for the year.
Increased programming. I spent last year experiencing the full year of a middle school in action. My previous part-time experience in the building gave me glimpses, but I was really able to dig into all that middle schoolers bring to the classroom. I connected with students and was able to pinpoint areas of weakness that I can build up this year. Last year was about passive programming and while I’m not abandoning that concept, I am embracing some active events. The highlight of the fall will be a one-day Shakespeare Festival that pulls in work that all three grades do in the classroom. My principal is 100% on board with the idea and I’m pinning down details over the next few weeks. This is out of my comfort zone, but I am excited to give this a try.
Low tech maker space. Our students have access to quite a few technology tools from iPads for daily work to robots and 3D printing in STEM classes. I want to give them the opportunity to slow down….to think about nothing but the activity in front of them…to laugh together with no pressure about assignments or grades. I’m gathering thread and beads for friendship bracelets; felt, stuffing and needles to sew together little critters; puzzles; Lego building blocks; and coloring books are waiting for me at the library.
Student library helpers. I have students who recommend books and give up a few minutes each day to help me shelve books. My goal is to make this a formal group that can help me with some of the routine tasks and also build more connections with students.
Focus on joy. As much as I love books, the library, and my students, the days are not always joyful. I am not naïve enough to believe that I can just wish “joy” into my life, but I do want to find moments of joy every day. It may be something as simple as spending my plan period with my teacher-bestie or it may be watching a student’s face light up when they “get” the research concept that I teach.
I report back to work in 2 weeks and while I am not wishing away the last days of my summer break, I am looking forward to the new year. What are you looking forward to in the upcoming year?